To enjoy more of the wide range of services from Khalti, it is mandatory for all the customers to fill the KYC (Know Your Customer) form in order to perform transactions of more than Rs 5000. Simple steps to verifying KYC form:

Step 1

Log in to your Khalti account

Step 2

Go to ‘Profile’ option & ‘Edit’.

Step 3

Fill the form, Get verified to enjoy.

Note: KYC Verification may take upto 48 hours.

What are the perks of being a verified user?

  • • Verified users will be able to enjoy a wide range of services and offers.
  • • Verified users can transact more than Rs 5000 at a time.

Family information

Father, mother, grandfather & spouse name

Personal information

D.O.B, Gender, Occupation

Address information

Zone, Municipality, District, Ward

Identity information

Identity number, Issued place, Issued date

Profile picture

Picture showing the face of the customer

Identity picture

Front & Back side (Clear photograph)

How long will it take for customers to be verified?

The customers will be verified within 1 to 2 days after submitting the KYC with all the appropriate information. The message of verification will be sent to the customer’s number that they have provided while signing up. After the verification, the valid users can enjoy all the extended services from Khalti anytime anywhere without any hassle.

The customers will be unverified under the following cases:

  • • If the details provided and the details in ID collide

    In any case the details provided by the customer does not match with the one in the ID then he/she will not be verified. For example The D.O.B provided and the D.O.B in Identity must match.

  • • If the picture provided is inappropriate

    The picture uploaded by the customer must show his/her face. Unclear, blurry and pictures of other objects will not be accepted and the customer will be deemed to be unverified.

  • • If the necessary information is not provided

    Each and every section of the KYC should be filled with correct information. Any missing content or misleading content will not be accepted and the customer will not be verified so forth.

  • • If the identity is not properly scanned and uploaded

    In order to be a verified user, the customer must scan his identity and then only upload his/her picture of identity. The unauthorized identity and the identity tampered/altered/damaged will not be accepted.

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